Thursday, August 26, 2010

Insurance Services To Protect Your Car

Many people are still reluctant to use the services of insurance to protect their vehicles. Though insurance is very helpful when something happens with the vehicle, whether it's a collision or a lightweight like keserempet.

Now in the eyes of Indonesian women, there is one name that is a favorite of insurance namely Garda Oto. It's based on a survey held MarkPlus. Inc. Magazine and marketeers.

There are at least 80 different categories researched in this survey. In the category of Motor Vehicle Insurance, Garda Oto a favorite 22% of respondents, while other insurance each selected by only less than 10% of respondents.

This time the survey focused on women because along with the development era, women in Indonesia at the same time acts as a financial manager as decision maker on all purchases.

Surveys were conducted on 1300 women in eight cities namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Denpasar and Palembang. Respondents who were taken were women with an age range that are considered potential as a decision maker that is 16-50 years. This survey involves women working and not working, those who are single and married as well as social economic status derived from the AD.

According MarkPlus analysis. Inc. Magazine and marketeers, Garda Oto was chosen because it is considered as a reliable insurance company with leading services.

"Indonesian women are now increasingly critical, precision is necessary in choosing the right insurance. One of the main consideration in choosing a car insurance claim is easy," said Director of Insurance Astra Hendry Yoga

Some facilities are prepared to facilitate the Garda Oto customers are:
  1. Garda CALL 75 900 / 021-75 900 900 who are ready 24 hours
  2. Branches Office spread all over Indonesia
  3. Garda Q 'Corner is in the garage Guard Q'Repair
  4. Survei can also claim to your home or office, simply make an appointment with the officer.


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